Касцюкевіч Мікола

Сёньня Дзень народзінаў адзначае Мікола Касцюкевіч.

Беларуская Інтэрнэт-Бібліятэка Kamunikat.org зычыць здароўя – перадусім; добрага настрою – не толькі ў гэты дзень; цёплага сонейка ў кожную пару году, дабрыні і разуменьня блізкіх, творчых палётаў і зьдзяйсьненьня мараў.

Талстоў Аляксей, Бег



Талстоў Аляксей

Publication Place: Мінск

Publication Date: 2008

Editor: Сін Ілля

Graphics Design: Ждановіч Сяргей

Publisher: Галіяфы

Book Series: Другі фронт мастацтваў

Sizes: 200с.

ISBN: 978-985-6906-05-6

Category: Belles-Lettres

Copyright © 2008 by Галіяфы, Аляксей Талстоў

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version); private library in Bialystok (hardcopy)

UDC: 821.161.3-31

The novel by Alyaksey Talstou, a young Belarusian writer, could actually be very important and emblematic of our period. The time characterized by the commercialization of entertainment, when civilization replaces culture and turns the human life into an endless road that one must build through colorless existence and usual but incomprehensible circumstances. An uncompromising approach to existence makes it possible to look back and notice what we miss in day-to-day routine. "Street cars, crowds, efforts to force one's way to a seat." This is our life in which everyone is trying to find a place, like characters of the Rush. There is no happy end and conclusions that one makes while reading the novel are not very optimistic, but they are realistic and truthful. (Z.K.)

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