Crossroads Digest, 6

Crossroads Digest

The journal for the studies of Eastern European borderland


Месца выхаду: Вільня

Дата выхаду: 2011

Рэдактар: Olga Breskaya

Выдавец: ЕГУ

Copyright © 2011 by ЕГУ

Кнігазбор: KAMUNIKAT — гэты сайт (электронны варыянт)


The reasons of the modernization inertia of the law-making process as a normative basis for the reformation of post-Soviet society are examined. The possibility and admissibility of social norm-making process in juridical reglamentation: harmonious combination of legal rules and other means of normative culture (morals, customs, traditions, ethics, corporate norms, etc.) based on the idea of the normative pluralism and the author’s conception of the sociology of law-making are justified. Social self-regulation allows to cope more successfully with the situation of excessive legal regulation of social life; to simplify the solution of the task to reduce and optimize the overly “effuse” array of regulations.

Выдаўцы і выдавецтвы: Еўрапейскі гуманітарны ўніверсітэт


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