Яновіч Сакрат, Пад знакамі Арла й Пагоні

Пад знакамі Арла й Пагоні

Яновіч Сакрат

Publication Place: Крынкі

Publication Date: 2003

Editor: Баршчэўская Ніна

Graphics Design: Іванюк Яраслаў

Publisher: Stowarzyszenie Villa Sokrates

Publishing/ Printing House: Offset-Print, Białystok

Sizes: 120 с., 21см

ISBN: 83-913706-3-1

Category: History; Belles-Lettres; Society

Copyright © 2003 by Stowarzyszenie Villa Sokrates

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version); BTH — the library of the Belarusian Historical Association, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy); EEDC — the library of the East European Democratic Centre, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (hardcopy); private library in Bialystok (hardcopy)

Copy Numbers: BTH — [552], [706]; EEDC — [1136], [1136-2]

Call Number: X.2.JAN

Supplementary Data: Упершыню з цыклям гутарак "Пад знакамі Арла й Пагоні" мелі магчымасьць пазнаёміцца Слухачы Беларускай Службы Радыё Палёнія ў 1992 годзе; спонсар Маршалкоўская Ўправа Падляшскага ваяводзтва; сардэчная падзяка Генадзю Сагановічу за дапамогу ў графічным афармленьні кніжкі

Under the Eagle and Chaser Symbols is a research paper. Sakrat Yanovich stresses that Belarusian culture emerged in the Grand Duchy of Litva and shaped later in Rzeczpospolita. He questions the assertion that the Belarusian people are a small brother in the Slavic community. Russia and Russian culture had little influence on the formation of the ethnos and culture of the Belarusians. The ethnos shaped under the influence of Polish and European culture, Yanovich says. He gives a brief account of historical events proving close links between Belarusian and Polich cultures. The research paper examines evolution of Belarusian culture in the general European context from historical perspective. The author underscores the importance of national identity for the evolution of civilizations.

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