Прусак Панас, Мсціслаўскае свята

Мсціслаўскае свята

Міколавы апавяданні

Прусак Панас

Publication Place: Брылі

Publication Date: 2001

Publisher: Справа

Category: Culture; Belles-Lettres; Memoirs

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version)

The Mstislau Festival by Panas Prusak The anonymous contemporary poet gives a glimpse of real life in provinces whose residents make a big deal of state holidays. The poet describes one of such big holidays, Day of Written Language, held in Mstislaul. The satirical verses throw the light on our reality, exposing the depth of a moral crisis in which Belarusian society has found itself. The poem is about a trip by local education officials to Mstislau for Day of Written Language celebrations. Relevant parallels and accurate expressions give a clear idea of life in Belarus' provinces.

Belarusian Authors: Прусак Панас

Catalog: Kamunikat.org

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