Яцкоў Мікола, Кракаўскія сшыткі

Кракаўскія сшыткі

Яцкоў Мікола

Publication Place: Брылі

Publication Date: 2005

Publisher: Справа

Category: Belles-Lettres; Memoirs

Copyright © 2005 by Мікола Яцкоў

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version)

Krakow Copybooks by Mikola Yatskou Mikola Yatskou, a poet and translator born near Mahilyou, wrote poems in praise of the ancient city of kings, Krakow. The Belarusian poet glorifies the ancient Polish capital. The city, which is linked to Belarusian history and the fates of many Belarusians, is described by the author as his own native town as dear as it was for Jagiellonian University student Francisak Skaryna and many other Belarusians who once lived there. The fact that the author indicates the exact time every poem was written helps understand the inspiration he felt while walking city streets. Wawel, Kazimierz, Trade Square and Pilsudski Bridge come to life in Mikola Yatskevich's verses and, together with the poet, urge readers to plunge into and fall in love with Krakow.

Belarusian Authors: Яцкоў Мікола

Catalog: Kamunikat.org

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