Луцкевіч Лявон, Войцік Галіна, Канстаньцiн Галкоўскi

Канстаньцiн Галкоўскi

Луцкевіч Лявон, Войцік Галіна

Publication Place: Вільня

Publication Date: 2001

Editor: Мінкін Алег

Publisher: Рунь Выдавецтва Беларусаў Літвы

Book Series: Партрэты Віленчукоў

ISBN: 9955-427-09-4

Category: History; Biographies

Copyright © 2001 by Галіна Войцік

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version); private library in Bialystok (hardcopy)

Supplementary Data: Выданьне публікуецца тут за ласкавай згодай Віленскага цэнтру грамадзкіх ініцыятываў "Дэмакратыя для Беларусі"

Kanstantsin Halkouski By Lyavon Lutskevich, Voytsik Halina The book by the patriarchs of the Belarusian community in Vilnius, Lyavon Lutskevich and Halina Voytsik, is dedicated to Kanstantsin Halkouski (1875-1963), a Vilnius-born composer of Belarusian descent. Halkouski is regarded in Lithuania as one of the best national composers. He is also known for his services to Belarus. Halkouski is one of few Vilnius-based Belarusians who were lucky to go through the ordeal of political changes and twists unaffected, and live a long and fruitful life. However, this does not mean that he always had a cloudless sky over his head, and nothing hampered his creative career under various occupation regimes. But his great talent and purpose in life always helped him. In Vilnius' multi-cultural environment, Halkouski focused his efforts on the development of both Belarusian and Lithuanian musical art. The composer was buried at the Antakalnis Cemetery, where the country's most prominent people were laid to rest at the time. His name, Galkauskas, is engraved on the tombstone in Lithuanian.

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