More than Neighbours

More than Neighbours

The Enlarged European Union and Ukraine - New Relations. Final Report

Miejsce wydania: Warsaw-Kyiv

Data wydania: 2004

Wydawca: Stefan Batory Foundation, International Renaissance Foundation

ISBN: 83-89406-20-9

Kategoria: Polityka

© Copyright by the Stefan Batory Foundation, Warsaw

Księgozbiór: EEDC — biblioteka Wschodnioeuropejskiego Centrum Demokratycznego, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (egzemplarz papierowy)

Numery inwentarzowe: EEDC — [1292]

Sygnatura: XIV.4.MOR

Is the vision of Ukraine as a member of the EU realistic? What are the main areas of Ukrainian integration with the EU? What reforms should Ukraine implement on its way towards EU? The publication is the final report of the project: "The Enlarged EU and Ukraine - New Relations" launched by the Stefan Batory Foundation (Kyiv) with participation of reporters from Ukraine, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

Katalog: EEDC

Tylko w bibliotece Wschodnioeuropejskiego Centrum Demokratycznego (egzemplarz papierowy)