Бензярук Анатоль, Крупчыцы. 1794 год

Крупчыцы. 1794 год

Падзеі і памяць роднай гісторыі

Бензярук Анатоль

Publication Place: Брэст

Publication Date: 2007

Editor: Прыбытка Г.В.

Publisher: ААТ Брэсцкая друкарня

Category: History; Culture; Society

Copyright © 2007 by Анатоль Бензярук

Book Collection: KAMUNIKAT — this site (online version)

Supplementary Data: Рэцэнзенты: Л. М. Несцярчук (Брэст) – кандыдат гістарычных навук; С.У. Данскіх (Гродна) – кандыдат культуралогіі, дацэнт; Кніга публікуецца па рэкамендацыі кафедры методыкі выкладання беларускай літаратуры і краязнаўства Брэсцкага дзяржаўнага універсітэта імя А.С. Пушкіна (загадчык кандыдат філалагічных навук, дацэнт У.А. Сенькавец) і аддзела культуры Жабінкаўскага райвыканкама (начальнік В.В. Чапялевіч).

Anatol Benzyaruk, a local history researcher and writer, focuses on history of his homeland. He knows everything about the Zhabinka district, Brest region. He has studied every historical event and every building. A meticulous researcher, he collects information piece by piece examining archival records, talking to people and analyzing facts. The book entitled Krupchytsy. 1794 is about on one of the most dramatic developments in Belarusian history. On the basis of various sources, the book explores events that took place in the Brest region in the summer and fall of 1794. It was the scene of anti-Russian uprising led by Tadevush Kastsyushka (Thaddeus Kosciuszko) that proved crucial for Belarus, Poland and Europe as a whole. The narrative centers on the Battle of Krupchytsy that took place in the Zhabinka district, Brest region, on 17 September 1794 between insurgents led by General Karol Sierakowski and Russian troops led by General Aleksandr Suvorov. The work features reprinted copies of archival documents and lists officers who took part in the battle.

Belarusian Authors: Бензярук Анатоль

Catalog: Kamunikat.org

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