Belarus Headlines, 42

Belarus Headlines


Месца выхаду: Brussels

Дата выхаду: 2009-06-23

Copyright © 2009 by Belarus Headlines

Кнігазбор: KAMUNIKAT — гэты сайт (электронны варыянт)

Round Table Discussion “European Union Energy Policy: Sharing Knowledge” Takes Place in Minsk. On 8-9 June 2009, the Office for a Democratic Belarus (Brussels), the Foundation for Legal Technologies Development (Ukraine) together with the Delegation of the European Commission in Belarus, the Swedish Embassy in Belarus and the Belarusian Institute for strategic Studies organised a round table discussion in Minsk on European and Belarusian policies in the energy sector. During the two-day event, entitled “European Union Energy Policy: Sharing Knowledge”, representatives of the EU Institutions, officials of Belarus’ Ministry of Energy, fellows of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences and independent experts discussed the prospects of cooperation between the EU and Belarus in the field of energy, the issues of alternative energy sources development, and the modernisation of the energy sector of Belarus.


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