Месца выхаду: London
Дата выхаду: 1988
Рэдактар: Mayo Peter
Рэдакцыйная калегія: Arnold B. McMillin, Fr Alexander Nadson, Guy de Picarda
Выдавец: The Anglo-Byelorussian Society
Памеры: 76c., 24см
Кнігазбор: KAMUNIKAT — гэты сайт (электронны варыянт); BTH — бібліятэка Беларускага Гістарычнага Таварыства, ul. Proletariacka 11, Białystok (папяровы асобнік)
Інвэнтарныя нумары: BTH — [562]
Established in 1965, the Journal of Belarusian Studies is the oldest English-language scholarly periodical on Belarusian studies in the world. It aims to promote interdisciplinary exchange between scholars in all major fields of Belarusian studies. The substantive focus of the peer-reviewed journal is on Belarusian society, particularly on societal and cultural change. The Journal invites submissions of articles and book reviews in all fields of Belarusian studies, including articles on Belarusian literature, linguistics, foreign relations, civil society, history and art, as well as book reviews. The journal is indexed by SCOPUS, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, Google Scholar and other major databases. .
Каталёг: Kamunikat.org | BTH
Пэрыёдыка: The Journal of Byelorussian Studies
The Chairman's Annual Report for the Year 1984-85
Anichenka Uadzimir V., Linhvistychnaje Navatarstva Skaryny u Demakratyzacyi Knizhnaslavianskaj Movy
Mayo Peter J., The Case Governed by the Preposition Pa- in Byelorussian
McMillin Arnold, Francis Skaryna’s Biblical Prefaces and their Place in Early Byelorussian Literature
Miller Raymond, The Slavonic Third Person Singular and Byelorussian Historical Dialectology
Rothe Hans, Sounds and Words: Reflections on Reading Skaryna
Wexler Paul, Christian, Jewish and Muslim Translations of The Bible and Koran In Byelorussia: XVIth –XIXth Centuries